Modern Shrimp Farming Models are Highly Effective
| Mon, 17 May 2021 - 15:50
Up to now, Phuoc Long district has an aquaculture area of 22,477 ha, of which shrimp farming area accounts for the majority with 21,677 ha. It is worth mentioning that in the past time, farmers in the district have formed many highly effective combined farming models, including the black tiger shrimp - crab - fish model, the black tiger shrimp - rice - shrimp model. greener. These are two farming models in the form of ecological, sustainable, suitable for the farming level and investment capital of the majority of farmers.
Model of shrimp - crab - fish combination farming
In 2020, Phuoc Long district will release tiger shrimp combined with crabs and fish with a total area of 18,300 hectares. Prawn crop production drop 03 cases / year, the stocking density of 1-2 units / m 2 , the productivity achieved from 140-150 kg / ha / crop, interest from 10-30 million / ha / crop.
Crabs drop 01 cases / year from January to June, the stocking density of 1-2 units / 20 m 2 Yield 100-120 kg / ha / year, interest from 10-20 million / ha / year.
Stocking 01 cases / year from June to December, stocking density from 0.5 to 1 fish / m 2 , yield 800-1000 kg / ha / year, profit from 7-10 million / ha / year.
Model of shrimp-crab-fish combination. Photo: Thanh Hai.
In 2019 alone, over 90% of households were successful. This is also a low-investment production model, suitable for the farming conditions of the majority of farmers with little production capital. The objects of polyculture support each other in the growth and development process, obtain many products on the same area, are easy to consume and limit the risk of diseases.
A typical example in this model production is Mr. Ngo Minh Ky (hamlet 1 B, Phong Thanh Tay A commune, Phuoc Long district) who is one of the first households to raise tiger shrimp and crab in combination with crab and fish in Phuoc Long district. With an area of 02 hectares, each year he collects over 130 million VND, minus expenses, he makes a profit of over 90ty million VND. Not only Mr. Ky, there are also many households in Phuoc Long district that are getting better thanks to the combined farming model of shrimp - crab - fish.
However, in order for the shrimp-crab-fish combination farming model to develop and achieve high efficiency, farmers must focus on the following factors: That is, the farming project must ensure the technical requirements of a satisfactory nursery pond. bridge. The appropriate stocking density for 1 hectare/crop is 20,000 shrimp, 1,000 crabs, and 10,000 fish. For shrimp stocked periodically every 50-60 days, crabs and tilapia once a year.
In addition, in order to contribute to increasing efficiency and towards sustainability, farmers should plant grass with high economic value or aquatic plants with high economic value that can live on shrimp farming land, accounting for about 30% of the total area. farming area, to provide shelter for shrimp and crabs and to help improve the pond bottom. Do not use pesticides or banned drugs in aquaculture.
Model of black tiger shrimp - rice - giant freshwater shrimp combined with crops
In 2020, Phuoc Long district has planted rice seeds on shrimp land for 12,500 hectares, and planted giant freshwater prawns with rice for 7,100 hectares. Mainly produced in communes and towns such as Vinh Phu Tay, Phuoc Long town, Phuoc Long commune and a part of Phong Thanh Tay A.
The advantage of this model is that crop production should limit pathogens arising in the pond. In the rice crop, rice will absorb organic matter in the pond, waste products of shrimp and fish, and help improve it pond. Harvest a variety of products on the same production area.
The production season is from January to August, stocking 2 crops of black tiger shrimp, and in August, when the salinity decreases, we conduct saltwater washing to sow rice, combined with stocking giant freshwater prawns and planting color on the shrimp ponds. Stocking density of black tiger shrimp is 1 - 2 shrimp /m 2 , giant freshwater shrimp is 1 - 2 shrimp/m 2 . Paddy rice: 7kg/1,000m 2 .
The yield of black tiger shrimp is from 210 - 280 kg/ha/year, profit is from 15 - 30 million VND/ha/year. The average rice yield is from 4 to 4.5 tons/ha, the profit is from 12-16 million VND/ha/crop. The productivity of giant freshwater shrimp is from 100 - 150 kg/ha/year, profit is from 8 - 15 million VND/ha/year.
Harvest crayfish. Photo: Thanh Hai.
According to statistics, in the district, there are about 20 hectares of growing crops on the shore, mainly in Phuoc Long town, Phuoc Long commune, Vinh Phu Tay commune. Plants with high economic efficiency: Bitter melon, corn, pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber,.... Typical households such as: Doan Van Keo, Tran Van Khach, .... After deducting the cost of production per household net profit of nearly 15 million / 1,000 m 2 during 3-4 months.
In order to promote the advantages of the model, according to the general direction of Phuoc Long district in the coming years, it is necessary to re-evaluate the stability and effectiveness of the model, thereby recommending replication. In order for the sustainable development model to be highly effective, it must focus on the following aspects:
When entering the stocking season, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the professional industry, conduct improvement, nurseries before stocking, use microorganisms to stabilize the environment, and harvest completely to ensure the production season. crop rotation with rice.
Should choose salt-tolerant, disease-resistant rice varieties with short growth time, high yield and product consumption. For giant freshwater shrimp, stocking should be arranged around July of the calendar year, if the stocking of giant freshwater shrimp is late around August - September, the farming time is short when harvesting the small size of giant freshwater shrimp, selling at low prices.
For crops, it is necessary to know the market, choose the right vegetables and know the care techniques for each type of crop, so as to ensure the desired income.
Currently, these two models are developing strongly and having certain success. Farmers have made the most of the farming area and combined farming objects with economic value, increasing production efficiency, while minimizing the risk of monoculture of black tiger shrimp and adapting to changing conditions. The climate is changing as complicated as it is today.
Source: Tepbac.com